Paradox RunTime 10 was not included in the WordPerfect Office 2002 when
this suite as been released. We had to wait a few weeks before it become
available on Corel Web Site. And the RunTime .exe file has not be updated
since at my knowledge. If it's now included in WP Office > 2002 this should
still be the same version.
You have to install RunTime version without Developpement version installed
because development have priority over the Runtime. You just have to run the
runtime .exe file to install runtime version. If you install Office, just
unselect Paradox (Development version) at install and install after the
runtime version.
Anyway, it should work like this.
Post by GregorI have a question.
Does exists Paradox Runtime 10 with Sp2 installation as "merge module"?
I would like instal Runtime inside another instalation.